
How to Get Your Life Together in 2022

I'm Ariel!

I'm a garlic-obsessed New Yorker with a serious passion for dogs, cheese, and fizz sticks. Welcome to my world where I share personal growth + self care tips to help you become more self aware!

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Can you believe it’s been 2 years since the world completely changed from covid? Yeah, me either. Unfortunately, the chaos of the past two years has derailed many people’s goals and dreams. But it doesn’t have to be that way anymore. You are in control of your life. So in this post, I’m going to share some tips for you to get your life together in 2022!

12 Tips to Get Your Life Together

Remove toxic people from your life.

When I say “toxic,” I don’t just mean people who are literally bringing negativity 24/7. I also mean people who you may care for, but heavily distract you from pursuing your goals. While you may not necessarily need to remove them permanently, limiting your time with them can be incredibly helpful for you to prioritize the things you want to do.

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

Get organized.

Organization is a MUST if you want to get your life together this year. Your physical and mental clutter can make it difficult for you to focus. 

For me, although I can get work done when my physical environment is messy…it’s so much easier and more focused when I don’t have a mess around me. 

The same is true for your mental clutter. If you have racing thoughts on your mind, consider journaling (more on that below!) or at least briefly writing what’s on your mind so you can get back to it later.

Organization also means keeping track of dates and deadlines, learning to prioritize tasks, and setting reminders if needed.

Start journaling.

Taking intentional time to reflect on your thoughts and life in general is an incredibly effective way to begin reframing your thoughts, and making meaningful changes in your life. Some questions to ask yourself may include:

  • Am I waking up in the morning ready to take on the day?
  • Am I letting matters that are out of my control stress me out?
  • What worries me most about the future?
  • What am I holding on to that I need to let go of?
  • My favorite way to spend the day is…
  • I couldn’t imagine living without…
  • If my body could talk, it would say…

You could also just write freely, without a prompt. You could write about your day/week, or relive a memory that meant something to you. You can write about literally anything! That’s the beauty of journaling.

But if you don’t enjoy writing, I really want you to consider recording audio of yourself talking. You could ask the same questions, but instead of writing, you would talk. I’ve done this during long drives and I definitely came up with a lot of interesting thoughts and even expressed feelings that I didn’t realize I had. 

Take care of your health.

Your physical health will play a huge role in how you feel. If you continue eating even after feeling full, this typically causes lethargy which could decrease your productivity. Prioritizing a proper diet can help you with your mood, fatigue, and hunger. It is equally as important to make sure that you’re prioritizing sleep!

Live proactively instead of reactively.

It is so easy to live life on autopilot, repeating the same daily cycle of going to work, eating, hygiene, Netflix, and sleeping. We put things off until “later,” but then later never comes.

Instead, I challenge you to choose to live proactively. Take 5 minutes to plan your next day. Set weekly intentions. Intentionally engage in self-care.

Do a life audit.

A life audit is a thorough assessment of where you currently are in your life. You can analyze any area of your life, but the most typical are:

  • Career
  • Finances
  • Health
  • Relationships
  • Spirituality
  • Fun

In a nutshell, you rate each area then write out what you currently like and don’t like about it. You should set goals for each area after you audit it. 

life audit worksheets

Pursue your passions.

What sets your soul on fire? What would you do every single day if you could? Are you doing that thing? Why or why not?

If you’re not sure what you’re passionate about, take the opportunity to try anything that catches your eye! See what you like and don’t like, and make sure to give it a decent chance.

Take responsibility.

Once you learn to stop blaming other people for your problems, you’ll be able to take better actions towards fixing those problems. You are responsible for taking the necessary actions for getting your life together.

Change your self-talk.

Negative self-talk has a huge impact on the way we see ourselves and also limits the way that we show up for our goals. It can look like a variety of things, such as:

  • “I can never do anything right”
  • “I’m not good at this, so I won’t be trying this ever again”

This type of thinking prevents you from seeing the various opportunities in life. It also makes you start to believe the words you say to yourself. 

So, I encourage you to catch your inner critic by being more aware of how you speak to yourself. Then, make a conscious effort to change your language. Instead of telling yourself “I’m not good at this,” you can say, “this is challenging, I need more practice.” See the difference?

Review your strengths and weaknesses.

It’s hard to get your life together if you don’t even know what your strengths and weaknesses are. It’s actually incredibly eye-opening to see what things you naturally excel at, and what things could use more improvement.

If you’re not sure what your strengths and weaknesses are, ask your friends, family, and co-workers what they think. Then you can compare the lists they give you and go from there!

Once you know what your strengths and weaknesses are then you can think about which areas you want to improve, and maybe even which strengths you want to apply more.

Create a routine.

Having a routine can give you better stress levels, better sleep, and even better overall health. You can start by creating a morning routine! What things do you love to do in the morning? What time would you like to wake up?

I personally started incorporating each area of the SAVERS routine from The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.

Set goals for yourself.

Whether you choose to set short-term or long-term goals for yourself (or both), it can give you a target that you’re working towards. Goals come in all shapes and sizes, here are some examples:

  • Lose 15 pounds in the next 3 months
  • Increase my income 3x in the next year
  • Walk my dog for 10 minutes every morning and evening

As I’m sure you can imagine, goals are a pretty important part of how you can get your life together this year. “Getting my life together” can look like many different things depending on the person & their goals.

Related: How to Set & Achieve Your Goals in 2022

Final Thoughts

You are so capable of getting your life back on track this year. But I also want you to know that you should want this for yourself without any external opinions affecting your actions. We may still be in the middle of a pandemic, but you can still completely change the trajectory of your life! I really mean that 🙂

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Hi, I'm Ariel.
Your Hype Girl +  Self Awareness Coach.

I'm a Starbucks lover, fizz dealer, master chef, creative baker, worship leader, dog mama, crisis counselor, cheese connoisseur, and passionate writer.

I've never been one to limit myself to a single title, and you shouldn't either. I bet you're more than a daughter, more than your age, and more than your job.

When I was in college, I noticed people around me lacked vision for their lives. They felt so restricted by society's expectations that they weren't living according to their own passions. And I wanted to help.

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    Life's too short to feel uninspired. I want you to find your fire and live the life you were born for. These journaling prompts are designed to help you get clear on your desires and get started on your journey to fulfill your life's purpose.


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      Your Guide to a Successful Life Audit

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      When was the last time you evaluated where you are in life? Your career, relationships, finances, etc? This guide is for you to get clear on where you are so you can create a plan for where you want to be!